• 713.265.7111
  • MaozinhaBJJTexas@gmail.com
  • 27359 W Hardy Rd #210, Spring, TX 77373

Academy Etiquette

– Please arrive to class on time, or attempt to notify your professor if you will be late. If you need to leave class early due to a prior commitment, please notify your professor before class begins.

– Greet your Professor/Black Belts upon entering the mat.

– Your Gi/Uniform MUST be cleaned after each use.

– Finger and toenails must be kept short and cleaned.

– General hygiene must be practiced – clean hands/feet, use of deodorant, etc.

– Students with skin infections (ringworm, staph, etc) or lesions may not attend class until they are cleared by a doctor. Due to the nature of our sport, these highly contagious infections can spread quickly.

-If you are feeling ill, do not attend class. Not only will this benefit your own health, but will keep your training partners safe.

-NO SHOES will be permitted on the mat.

Likewise, shoes MUST be worn OFF the mats. Students who enter restroom without shoes on will not be permitted back on the mats until their feet have been properly cleaned.

– Changing is not permitted on the mats- please use one of our restrooms to change before and after class.

– Rashguards or athletic shirts must be worn under kimono jackets for sanitary purpose.

– Jewelry must be removed prior to training, unless silicone.

Copyright ©2021 DM Athletics LLC. All rights reserved.